Vented Dryers in Pakistan

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A Breath of Fresh Air: Exploring Vented Dryers for Efficient Laundry Drying

A Breath of Fresh Air: Exploring Vented Dryers for Efficient Laundry Drying


Laundry day can be a breeze with the right equipment, and vented dryers are a game-changer when it comes to efficiently drying your clothes. These appliances are designed to quickly and effectively dry your laundry while expelling moist air outside your home. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of vented dryers, discussing their features, benefits, and how to choose the perfect one for your laundry needs. We'll also showcase some top vented dryer products available on, complete with prices in PKR.

Advantages of Vented Dryers

Before we dive into the details, let's explore some of the key advantages of using vented dryers:

  1. Efficient Drying: Vented dryers are known for their speedy and efficient drying capabilities. They can handle large loads of laundry and ensure that your clothes are ready to wear in no time.

  2. Cost-Effective: These dryers are often more affordable upfront compared to other dryer types. Additionally, they are energy-efficient, which can help you save on your electricity bills.

  3. Less Humidity: Vented dryers expel moist air outside, reducing indoor humidity levels. This is especially beneficial in humid climates and can help prevent mold and mildew growth.

  4. Versatile: Vented dryers come in various sizes and configurations, making it easy to find one that fits your space and laundry needs.

Types of Vented Dryers

Vented dryers come in two main types:

  1. Front-Load Vented Dryers: These dryers have a front-loading design, which means you load and unload your laundry from the front. They are stackable, making them ideal for compact spaces.

  2. Top-Load Vented Dryers: These dryers have a top-loading design, similar to traditional top-load washing machines. They are typically larger and can accommodate larger loads of laundry.

Key Features to Consider

When choosing a vented dryer, consider the following key features:

  1. Capacity: Choose a dryer with a capacity that matches your laundry needs. Smaller households may opt for 6-7 kg capacity, while larger families may require 8-10 kg or more.

  2. Energy Efficiency: Look for dryers with high energy efficiency ratings to save on electricity costs.

  3. Drying Programs: Many dryers offer a variety of drying programs for different fabric types, such as cotton, synthetic, delicates, and more.

  4. Sensor Drying: Sensor drying technology detects moisture levels in your clothes and adjusts the drying time accordingly, preventing over-drying and reducing energy consumption.

  5. Noise Level: Consider the noise level of the dryer, especially if it will be placed in a living area or near bedrooms.

Top Vented Dryer Products on

Front-Load Vented Dryers:

Product Name Price (PKR)
Haier Front Load Vented Dryer (7 kg) 32,000
LG Front Load Vented Dryer (8 kg) 45,999
Dawlance Front Load Vented Dryer (6 kg) 27,999

Top-Load Vented Dryers:

Product Name Price (PKR)
Kenwood Top Load Vented Dryer (8 kg) 35,000
Samsung Top Load Vented Dryer (7.2 kg) 36,999
Super Asia Top Load Vented Dryer (7 kg) 29,999


Vented dryers are a practical addition to any household, ensuring that your laundry is dried efficiently and ready to wear. When choosing a vented dryer, consider factors such as capacity, energy efficiency, and drying programs to find the perfect fit for your needs. With the top vented dryer products available on, you can streamline your laundry routine and enjoy the convenience of quickly dried clothes, even on rainy days. Explore the options and take a step toward a more efficient and hassle-free laundry experience.


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