How do I know if my product has a warranty?
You may check if your product has a warranty by visiting the product page and check under 'Return & Warranty' section.
For Daraz Like New Phones, please check the 3-Months Daraz Like New Guarantee Policy.
Types of Warranties:
1.Brand Warranty: Brand warranty are warranties provided by the brand/manufacturer of the product. Daraz does not take any responsibility for after-sales services provided by the brand/manufacturer. Customers will need to approach the brand directly through their authorized service centers to submit the products for repair/replacement under the warranty conditions.
2.Seller Warranty: Seller warranty are warranties provided directly by the seller who has sold the product to you. Please note that the terms and conditions of this warranty may differ from seller to seller. Customers may check directly with the seller via the chat function on the product page.
Daraz Like New warranty for Treadmills, Smartwatches and Laptops & Tablets is a type of seller warranty.
3.International Manufacturer/Seller Warranty: This warranty is directly offered by international manufacturers/sellers of the product. The geographical location of the service center may vary based on brand’s regional presence and may require the customer to ship the product out of country to be repaired/replaced. Customers have to follow the warranty process as mentioned on the warranty card or on the brand’s official website.
Note: All warranties does not cover damage caused by accidents or unauthorized modifications.

How do I claim my warranty ?
If the delivered product is within 14 days from the date of delivery:
You may choose to get your product refunded directly via Daraz without going through a warranty claim with the manufacturer. Visit our Return Policy page for more information.
For repairs and/or replacements, please contact the manufacturer/service center listed on the warranty card included with your product.
If the delivered product has exceeded 14 days from the date of delivery and the product has a warranty:
Please contact the manufacturer/service center listed on the warranty card included with your product for repairs or replacement.
For Brand warranty, visit the Brand Contact Details for more information.
For Seller warranty, contact the seller directly via the chat function on the product page.
If the delivered product has exceeded 14 days from the date of delivery and the product has no warranty:
Neither Daraz nor the seller/manufacturer is responsible for any defects and/or damages. Customers are responsible for any after-sales repairs.
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What do I do if my product has warranty but I did not receive a warranty card?
It is possible that your product comes with an e-warranty. Please check all the instruction manuals/invoices/guides that is delivered along with your package or visit the manufacturer's website to verify.
If your product does not have an e-warranty, please reach out to Daraz Customer Care and we will arrange a Warranty Card for you, or facilitate a return in case a card cannot be arranged.
How can I get my product serviced?
If you bought a product that is eligible for servicing, please send the product(s) directly to the Service Center indicated on the warranty card included with your product. If your product falls under E-Warranty and has no card, please refer to the brand website for information on authorised service centers.
For a prompt warranty claim, kindly include all the accessories, information included in packaging and an invoice from Daraz as a proof of purchase.
Where are the service centers located?
You may refer to the Brand Contact List for locations of the service centers. The addresses can also be found on the warranty card or on the manufacturer's website.
Do I need to pay for repairs?
You do not have to pay for repairs if your product is under warranty and you have not violated any terms & conditions set out by manufacturer/warranty provider.
If the warranty period has expired or if any of the warranty conditions has been violated, customers will be responsible to bear the repair cost. The final repair amount will be determined by the manufacturer upon assessment. We strongly recommend customers to get their products repaired at the brand's authorized service centers to ensure the quality of repair.